Saturday, August 2, 2008


Lara had her last day of rec. Two of the counselors were asking if she can come back again next year, as they really liked her. I thought that was great. She seemed to be having a great time and her coloring has really improved during this month so I think it was a good move to put her in this program. We have to meet with the school principal to set her up for first grade next year. The old principal is gone and a new one is coming in so I hope that doesn’t complicate things. The EEG went smoothly. I was with Lara the whole time holding her hand. She also had her stuffed camel that she got for her birthday with her.

My MRI was not so bad. We took Lara and the staff let her see the machine that her mommy was going to be put in. She was concerned about that so the staff was very accommodating for her. When I got out I found that they had given her a stuffed gold fish (they had a tank of real fish in the waiting room) and some sparkly “Nemo” stickers. She was happy about that. Then we ate at a dinner that my mom used to take me to when I was little. Lara wanted to go there because I am a vegetarian and I can eat a meal. She didn’t want to go to a place like Burger king and see me just get fries. She is my sweetie! We also got her a toy for being so brave at her appointment.

Today I think I have a cold, as I am a bit cold and stuffed up. My legs are also a bit weak and I was stumbling before when I tried to walk. Not telling Greg about that lat one, as I don’t want him to worry. It is a rainy day here so looks like we are staying home.

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