Friday, October 17, 2008


My eyes are getting better but the medicine is making me feel ill and tired all the time. I went to the theatre to help with lights and after only hanging four instruments was ready to go to bed! I just have no stamina. I fear I am gaining weight and my face is bloated. I also think my blood sugars are bad but can’t get a doctor to write up a blood work script. Yet I don’t feel like all is bad with me. I feel I should not complain, and I am a whining bitty.

Yesterday at five PM there was a terrible accident near our house. It was next to the house that is abutted to our back yard. A car was struck by another and a ten year old girl died. Her fourteen year old brother is in critical condition. Her mother and another 14 year old were also in the car but apparently OK. A man had left his Mercedes running in the driveway when he went back into his house to get keys fort a second car. When he came out a thief was taking his car. So he got into the second car and chased the thief while calling the police. The high chase pursuit led to the car colliding with the mom and children who had nothing to do with either of them. It was a block away from a school so she was probably picking them up after work. I just hate people. I mean what the heck was that man thinking of? You do not go chasing a stolen car! You call the police and let them handle it! That man is not being charged with anything which really pisses me off. He should be charged with reckless endangerment and disregard for human life. I just hope he knows that he is the reason that girl is dead today. It was a stupid car. A thing, an object, something that can be replaced. The girl was a precious gift from God that will never ever be replaced. I just hope he realizes that.

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