Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a lot of work. I set the table the night before and set up my vegetables as well. The children were with me so between hunting down all the chairs, place settings, decorations, etc as well as cooking and trying to keep the children contained in the TV room it was tiring. By the time I got home I was ready for bed. Thanksgiving went well except my eldest brother tossed away a lot of the leftovers. So I relieved him of his job and took over dishwashing. It was a lot of work, but I wanted to do it like my mom did. I just don’t get my SIL’s later on they wanted to use paper plates for dessert! I mean WTF it is a holiday. I insisted on regular plates and said I would wash them myself. Actually another SIL did that so I was spared. Most left after dessert. Greg and I stayed behind and emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the crystal by hand and out it away. Today I have to go back and do the linens.

The Sarcoidosis is on the move I think. I feel more pain in my chest so I think it is moving to my lung. I am also having my colitis attacks again. It started the day after Thanksgiving and I have had it every morning since then. Today my abdomen is in a lot of pain so no church for me. I am hoping it eases off so I can get to the laundry at my mom and dads house.

We have started shopping for Christmas and bought a couple of games for the children. They were on sale at target for $4. I got there early enough to get some. A lot were already gone, as some took cartful of them. I looked on e-bay and saw a lot of new auctions so I know where they went. We bought some presents with a gift card we got last year so that saved us a lot. We rarely use gift cards. It is just usually at stores we never shop at or is hard to get to. This one was for Linen and Things which is in a bad spot here and always has a ton of traffic. It is going out of business though and so most is at 50% off. We got some nice things there for my brothers/wives.

The hag visited me early yesterday morning! Oh well. I really don’t think I am having another baby. I am very sad over this. My heart is breaking at the thought of not having another baby. I am doing a baby blinkie for a group on the pregnant side of FF. The babies are cute and I enjoy doing it. My heart does break though thinking about that I will never have another. I try not to think about it, but I just can’t help it. It used to be only the angel blinkies made me cry. Now the baby ones do too.

1 comment:

MereB said...

Oh Jillie I am so sorry about the hag :( I'm really sorry you feel like it will never happen again for you *hugs* I Pray you're wrong.
I wish there was some magical cure for all this crap one that didn't cause you MORE pain.