Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Weekend...

Saturday went really well at the lunch and I had a great time. It was nice to meet my online buddies in person. The food was great and I ate everything. I even had desert which I rarely get. The best part of all was that I was able to hold it all down! This makes me think that maybe it is the tension of keeping the children at the table, etc that is making me ill after the meals at home. I am constantly trying to get them to behave and I think that in combo with the steroids is making too much stomach acid which makes me get sick. At any rate with a calm meal I kept it all down which hasn’t happened in a long time. Usually I loose something. Any who we got back late as it took two hours to get back home! It usually takes under 45 minutes. Greg’s sister Debbie was angry because she had to get ready to go out. Next time I will stick to getting my parents. I had my parents all set to sit, but then Greg said his sister was looking forward to sitting and we had to use her. So we had to use her but on her terms. With my parents we have more flexibility so we will go with them next time.

Sunday we had church and CCD class. We went to a garage sale by the KOC in our town. I picked up a couple of sweaters, a sweater for Lara, four books and some leaf crystal votive candle holders cost me $3! Later on I got Lara a Hula Hoop for 50 cents, and a board game of happy feet for a dolor. I wish the children had picked out their items faster we probably would have just paid the one $3 for all, but it was still cheap so I really can’t complain. Later on I took all the Halloween decorations down and put up the Thanksgiving ones. I switched my holiday earring to Thanksgiving too. Then Lara went bike riding. The children and Greg had dinner and hung out for the rest of the night. Greg was ticking me off by correcting everything I said so I just went and did some computer graphics. Had a glass of wine when I was done and went to bed.

Lara did not want to go to school today but it is a short week so it will not be too bad. She is of tomorrow, in on Wednesday and then off Thursday and Friday. I have no clue what to do with them but it has to be fun. I am thinking of raking leaves and having them jump in them. That is something they love to do and involves no travel. Plus we get the lawn cleaned up! A win win situation. I am in the two week wait so nothing to do there but, um, you know……wait.

I was giving Anthony lunch on our living room couch about an hour ago. I give it to him there so he and I can watch TV. He asks out of the clear blue “Momma why aren’t you having another baby?”. So I told him that we were trying and that it is up to God if we are going to have another baby at this point. So he says, “Maybe you are not pushing hard enough?”. With this he leans back and opens his legs apart and grunts saying “push, push”. He then tells me all I have to do is push harder. He looked like a woman giving birth, as he was semi reclined and pushing his torso through his legs. Maybe I have been watching too much baby TV? I can’t remember the last time I saw “Baby Story” it has to be a good year ago.

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