Monday, September 22, 2008

My eye is bad...

Well my eye has gotten worse since Wednesday. The pain just increased every day until I just starting popping my Alieve every six hours. On Saturday we were supposed to go to the Renaissance Faire and Sunday we were going to the air show. It was supposed to be the super fun weekend to make up for the lame summer that occurred because of Momma’s illness. Well Saturday the first thing I felt was stabbing pain in my right eye. I couldn’t function. Greg got me some Alieve, but it still hurt so I called my doctor up. The primary one. I got to see him at 12:15. He said it was a sinus infection and prescribed some Omnicef, and some nose spray. The nose spray with insurance was $26! When I asked the pharmacist she said without insurance it is $130! Ugh what is in this stuff? Gold? Platinum? Anyway, when all was said and done it was after 3 PM, so the faire was out. It is over an hour drive and closes at 7 PM. It also is too expensive to miss out on most of the day. So we went to the air show. We got there at five to four and waited five minutes to go in because at four it became free. It was only open until five. So we had an hour of air show. There were old cars there but most had left so we only saw planes. Lara and Anthony enjoyed it; Greg wished he had more time.

On Sunday we got to church, CCD class, and then went to the faire. We left at about eleven thirty and got there a little after one. The children had a great time there. They loved the “dragon swing”. I had dressed up in a dress and was going to wear my corset, but Greg said it didn’t go well together so I only wore my dress. One person stopped me and said they thought it was beautiful and that it fir me very well. I was so touched by that. I like the dress too. I bought it on e-bay and wear it when I get dressed up. What can I say I guess I dress retro because it fir in with the Renaissance look so well. Anyway we walked around for a while, and tried the games (lost most) except one that Lara won and got a necklace of bones and skulls. Anthony lost at that but the game keeper (is that the title?) felt bad and gave him a necklace too. She knew that he was feeling bad because his sister had one and he didn’t. He had a huge frown on his face and my heart melted. I guess hers did too so she gave him one. He brightens up and everyone beamed. Just before that though I had to take a rest, as my eye was hurting again. I had to sit. Greg kvetched that we weren’t in a sitting area but what could I do? I was in pain. Anyway we went on a little and then I had to take another rest. My eye was bad for the rest of the day but I didn’t want to go and disappoint the children. They were having such a great time. We saw the living chest game, and a puppet show. They were supposed to go on the stage and sit for the latter but of coarse mine preferred the mud instead. We ended the day with the pub songs that I love. The final song being “Will you Go lassie go” I really like that one.

By the time we got home my eye was in a lot of pain and I had to go to bed. Greg wasn’t happy he had to take care of the children. He must have changed them and stayed in the living room because sometime after going to bed Anthony joined me. Greg didn’t come in until a long time after that so he must have been asleep on the couch again. I awoke in pain again today. I took a hot shower but it really didn’t help much so I took a Percocet. That took the bite off of the pain and now all I have is a dull ache. I can’t however see very well out of my right eye. I have black spots. Greg had to drive Lara to school. He was mad about that. I guess I will walk to get her later on or try to drive. I need to get blood work today and I just don’t know how I will get there. I am just a mess.

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