Friday, September 12, 2008

I Remember, and always will....

September 11, 2001, I was working in Moonachie, NJ which was right across the river. I was working in a lighting shop we were counting the equipment that the MTV awards had rented. I remember seeing how blue and clear the sky was and how dark and horrid the cloud was. I had neighbors and friends that worked in and around the buildings. Ironically enough we were inside and so did not know what was going on until after tower two was hit. We were listening to "Howard Stern" on the radio. Apparently either they did not look at the associate press updates (I think Robyn did?) or did not believe the news as it came in. At any rate we didn’t know about it until way into the even. When we heard the towers fell I just could not believe it. I had stood by them. They were so massive. I could not believe anything so big could go down. I just believed it was a hoax, or I just prayed it was. Eventually we were able to get news and we knew it wasn’t. The shop wouldn’t let anyone go. Eventually at about 11 AM I went into the office and said I didn't give a damn if MTV had kept all the stuff and was going home to see how many people I knew got out alive.

I went to a friends house whose husband worked right buy there. She had a leg that was hurt and was not able to leave the house. I knew she was all alone and so for the only time ever went there without calling first. Actually I tried but all lines were jammed. All phone lines whether ceil or land were jammed. She wasn’t sure if he was dead or alive. I stayed until he got home. He was dusty from head to foot. I think he ended up getting home at about 9 PM; he had started at 11 AM. The city was just at a standstill.

Most did, but one who worked on the 95h floor of tower one did not. She had just returned from maternity leave the day before. She left behind her DH, a DS that was three years and a DS that was three months old.

Yesterday I watched the memorial as usual and just cried the whole time.

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