Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Potty training in earnest...

Well today I am going all out to get Anthony on the pot. I called today "no more diaper day!". So he is in his Spiderman big boy underwear. I have three of these, and three Thomas The Tank undies. Almost as soon as the first pair was on he wet them so only five more to go. I figure at that point I will put on a pull up and try again tomorrow. I am sitting him on the pot every half hour on hopes to catch it, and telling him to try. I have an egg timer alarm that I set at 309 minutes. He knows if he goes in the pot he gets a sticker on a chart which he desperately wants.

Well at 11:33 AM EST USA he peed in the toilet! The alarm went off and I sat him there even though he said he didn't have to go. I turned on the water and he peed. He beamed with joy! We washed his hands and he picked out a sparkly sticker to put on his chart! I have a small one that I made on my computer and printed on plain paper. He was so proud of himself! Now of coarse he has gone three more times that are shaky at best, but I give him a sticker anyway and lots of praises. I think I have created a potty monster!

Oh well at least he is on the right track! The alarm went off and I have to go…

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