Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Anthony is doing OK but he refuses to get off the diaper. He says that if he stays with the diaper he won’t have to go to school next year. His wheels are in constant motion and is always thinking about everything. The things he comes out with sometimes are amazing. He is very aware of everything that is going on around him. He is also hyper sensitive with his boo boos. He also is getting into the routine of putting away all of his toys before supper. He makes these huge Lego sculptures and then dismantles them. He used to keep them up for days. I just have to work on his potty skills.

Lara is still having problems concentrating. We have her back on Focalin but at 10 mg. this time. She just has so many quirks now. She has to have her mouth covered all the time even when she eats. She now covers her mouth with her shirt so the necks are getting stretched out. We are trying to get her to stop but she screams when we try and stop her. She is going to get a 48 hour EEG at the hospital so hopefully we will find out what is going on with her. I will stay with her and Greg will stay at home with Anthony at night. In the day we will have babysitters over probably my parents as his sister just had her second hip replacement.

Greg is the same. He now wants us to go out to dinner and thinks that will make things better. I can not see how that will help us get closer I think he just wants to go out to dinner. He suggested dinner and a movie but I couldn’t find a movie playing that I wanted to see. If I am only going to see a movie every seven years I want it to be one I want to see. KWIM? Right now he is getting into the summer lawn mode so I will loose him to that soon.

I am not feeling so well and am tired all the time. I forget things too. The children are wonderful to be with but the marriage is just so bad. I really don’t have a husband here just a room mate. There is just nothing between us anymore. I like to go to the theatre and work the show but it only plays on the weekend so the week nights are as boring as ever. I make dinner, eat with the family, clean up the dishes, pots, pans and kitchen, and then have a cup of tea in my bed if Greg is changing the children. Otherwise I get the children ready for bed and then have that cup of tea. In the bible I am up to the second book of the kings, chapter twenty one. I will not finish it by the end of lent so I will just keep on going until I do. I think God will understand why it takes me a long time to read. I rather take my time and really read it than scan it and not get everything. KW

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