Friday, May 9, 2008

So tired...

Lara is just taking a dive at school. We get most of her work at night to do that she should have done during the day. Yesterday she came home with Mother’s Day cards that she should have colored at school. So I tell Greg he should do that with her and he is all confused and asks why? Ugh I would have thought he would have understood, but no so I explained to him that I should be the one to help her with a card for me. He sort of got it, but I doubt he will do it. I just wish we could find out what is going on with her. The evaluation was supposed to be yesterday but it was postponed until the 28th of this month.

Anthony is OK. His eating is getting a bit better so maybe it was a molar that was bugging him. He didn’t say anything about one, but it could have been the case. He is still slow but not as slow as before. KWIM? He is starting not to want to watch his Leap Frog DVD’s so I am giving him a break. I don’t want to force him and make it a chore. He has time on his side anyway.

Greg is working this week end, yet again. I swear he works almost every Mother’s Day! Last year he was scheduled as well, but changed it because it was his birthday the day before! I know because he told me so. He really feels no need to celebrate mother’s day since his mom died. Last year he didn’t even want to go to dinner he wanted to come home and make something. OK actually for me to make something. I told him on Mother’s day all I make is reservations! So when we did go out I had a glass of wine! He was a bad boy. So not sure what we will do this year as he is on call until 6 PM. I bet he will want to order a pizza.

I am in the two week wait. I am 6 DPO so in about seven days I will know one way or the other. I am so tired as of late I have to call my doctor when I am done here and try to get an appointment. I also think I have an infection as my temperature was up today and I am itchy. Yesterday there was discharge as well so I think I have an infection. Yesterday I cleaned the house because the evaluation was supposed to take place here at 3:30. Well the woman called up and postponed it because she thought she had strep and was going to her doctor to find out and get meds if she had it. Now the appointment is on the 28th. The thing is Lara won’t be here as it is for 9 AM. So now I am wondering why

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