Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So Tired!

I made a Shoo Fly Pie. The Shoo Fly Pie went over very well at my brother’s house Saturday night. I was surprised as it is made with molasses and not everyone takes to them like I do. It was almost all gone when we left and my brother kept the rest there, as he loved it! So I will make that again at another get together. I also made scones which went over well. I had a good time. Sunday I went to church solo, as Greg had to work. My parents watched the children so I could go, as I can’t have the two of them in the choir with me. The director would probably allow it but I think it would kill me to have to handle the two of them. I spend most of Sunday at my parents. We ended up going out to dinner that night at a local train restaurant. It was nice. Yesterday was Greg’s birthday. It was cold and rainy so we stayed at home. We were supposed to go to dinner with my parents, his sister and his dad. My parents were not feeling well though and his father had his finger operated on (we found about that one on Friday) and so just the four of us went out. After we came home and had cake with his sister and dad. Greg wanted an ice cream cake this year so I bought him one. Usually I bake one but I guess he is tired of that.

Lara is not doing well at school and when I picked her up her teacher said she went her to the office to do her work. I am not sure why she did that. I think when I pick her up today I will ask. It would seem to me that sending her to the office would cause more distractions not less.

Anthony is well but getting cabin fever. He wants to go out something awful.

Greg was a bit of a pain in the butt. He just gets into the whole world revolving around him things every once in a while. He complained Sunday night at dinner because I got two glasses of wine and they cost 5.50 each. I mean WTF? I never look at what he orders and it was Mother's Day! He was a bad boy. He left all the dishes from Sunday in the sink. I did them all Monday when it was his birthday. He is off again today so not sure how long I cans stay on as he kvetches when I go online.

I finally went to the doctor yesterday. He drew three vials of blood to see why I am so tired all the time. He also gave me a script for a gynecologist since I haven’t been to one since my six week check up after having Anthony back in 2004! I also got a referral to a dermatologist to clear up my skin. I am tired of the acne. I never had this much as a teenager and feel just awful about the way I look now. I don’t want any photos of me as I think I just look ugly. I was happy to be the birthday photographer as I am not in one shot! I am thinking I also might have an infection as I was spotting for a couple of days and am very itchy at times during the day. I am going to call the two referrals to make appointments. I will get the blood work results back on Wednesday.

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