I just have no idea on what to do about Lara. She had a BM last Monday morning in school, and again yesterday at about the same time. So I went in both times to clean her up. The first time I took her home as I thought she might have done it to get out of school. Yesterday I kept her in school in hopes that it would stop her incontinence. Well at about 2 PM I got called him as she had wet her pants. I had used her change of clothing in the morning so she had nothing left. Then I left her again and picked her up at 3:10. So I drove to the school and back home four times yesterday. Now today at about the same time this morning I got a call from the school that she had a BM in her pants! This time I left another change in case she pees at 2 PM again.
I just don’t know what to do about this. She has not done this up to now with the BM so I am thinking it is not physical. Gregory went on the web and found some kind of muscle disorder that affects 1% of children and thinks that might be it. I do not however as that is present from birth and this has only been happening within a month of today. Before this she has wet her pants, but not BM. I am praying it is not MD or anything else that is life threatening. Wouldn’t MD show up with her major muscles as well though?
I am just at a standstill here. To make it worse my Sarcoidosis is causing my mid drift to be in more pain than usual and I am exhausted all the time. At night it is hard to sleep with the heat. When the phone rings I fear it is the school. So I am letting the machine get it first.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ugh Squared....
Just as I hit the "Publish Post" my phone rang. Lara had another BM at school! This is just getting to be too much. She just can’t do this in first grade. Then she screamed because I didn’t have pants that she likes. I cleaned her up and decided to keep her in school rather than taking her home. I think taking her home gives her the idea she can do this and get out of school. Maybe if she knows she has to go back to class she will sop it already. When I left she was crying. It breaks my heart to see her like that but at this point it also breaks my heart to think that she will be the child that always has poop in her pants. I just wish I had the wisdom to know what to do in situations like this, as there is no clear answer.
The week was busy as usual. Lara had a hard time at school and had to leave early on Tuesday because she was a mess. She had a BM in her pants. Later on in the week she peed in her pants. The change of clothing I gave her that day was missing so I had to bring some clothes to her. The school was supposed to have a fire drill at that time but they held it so she could get into fresh clothes. I thought that was nice of them to do. Lara is just drifting further away from us and I just don’t know why. She doesn’t eat much and likes to just stare off. I feel like we are slowly loosing her and I just don’t know what to do. Greg is looking for a psychiatrist for her and later on today we will see the neurologist to get the results of the 48 hour EEG that we did at the hospital. Hopefully she will give us a clue on what is going on, as it was video taped as well.
Anthony is becoming quite the little man here. He is building pyramids with his Legos. He also has a great vocabulary and is very observant. He is writing out small words on his Magna Doodle also. He is just so opposite of his sister in so many ways. We have to be careful not to over praise him, as Lara gets jealous of him. On Saturday his guardian angel was on overtime. He had a really close call and scared the heck out of me. He went into the kitchen to get a snack out of a cabinet we have. It is a self standing one that we got at Target that has five shelves. Anyway he hung on the door. Greg was right there and told him not to but he did anyway and Greg did not try to physically stop him like I do. Anyway the cabinet fell over and Anthony managed to get out of the way. The cabinet barely missed him. A little more over and he would have been hit. We have a cement floor covered by tiles. I just don’t know if he would be here still if it had hit him. I fear not. I want to anchor the cabinet but out walls are cinderblocks covered by cement so it is complicated on how to do that. Greg is supposed to as he grew up across the street in the same model house and so knows how to do it, but he just doesn’t get to it. So until he does Anthony can not go into that cabinet again. What worries me is that in the morning Greg’s dad comes over to watch him. When he watches him that is exactly what he does he watches him. He watches him climb up things and get into things that are not allowed. He watches him climb up on a chair to reach on his tippy toes to get junk food for breakfast! I mean WTF? Why doesn’t it register that a little boy shouldn’t eat candy for breakfast or should climb like that? How did Greg survive boy hood? I don’t want him watching unless he is going to supervise as well. He shouldn’t climb, as he can get hurt. I mean I get why he does it. That is from me. I have always climbed and the crew I like best on the job is lighting climber. I can climb and get extra pay! I also get to be away from the roadies which is great sometimes because they can get to be a pain to deal with. I miss working. No stagehand can work around here unless they have younger family and I am the youngest so that is out. The work is just not steady enough to get licensed day care. Unlicensed is just too risky.
Greg was his usual self this week. Saturday he wanted to do something fun with the family outside as it was going to be so nice. He said he would get up at seven, do two hours of yard work, and then do something with us. I knew this just was not going to be the case as he said this all last year and it never did work out that way. He promised this year would be different. Well he got up at ten, had a leisure breakfast, went out to the yard at eleven, and finished up at four thirty. Then he showed and dressed and was ready to do something at six. So he is doing again this year what he did last year! So no family fun that day. I had taken them out in the yard earlier in the day but they fought and kept on going inside for water and snacks that I just eventually went inside with them. They were happier there even though Greg said they would be happier outside. Outside was just too hot. The weather had become super hot, super fast. It was in the 90’s this weekend and it is still up there. This is just too early for this kind of weather here. On Sunday I switched all the clothes from winter to summer. I had to do the children’s Greg’s and mine so it was a lot of work.
I am not doing well at all. I feel like a whale with all my extra weight. I can not fit into most of my pants, as I am too big. My shirts are no problem as I always wore large and extra large, but the pants are a problem. I am now taking diet pill in the hopes that my appetite will calm down. I don’t feel guilty about that, as it was the prednisone that made me fat. So if one pill made me fat why not take another to make me thin again? My face is also all broken out and I feel so ugly with that. My back is getting worse and my mid drift is in more pain at night. Last year at this time was when the pain was building up. By mid May I was taking Percocet so I am hoping it does not get that bad again. I am also often nauseas as well. Greg is going to see if his old dermatologist is on out health plan as the last one I saw was awful. We waited an hour and a half to see him less than five minutes. He them gave me a script for topical meds that cost $90 after the insurance paid its part! We had to leave it at the store, as I just don’t have that kind of money to spend on my face. Id rather get food and clothes for the children, KWIM?
We did manage to go to “Friendlies” on Saturday. The children were a bit noisy there. We decided to let Lara play the stuffed animal machine as you can now play until you win. It has a claw to grab stuffed toys. Well she had to go to the bathroom after starting, while we were away Greg let Anthony do it and he won a dog. When we got back Lara was mad so we gave her two dollars to play again. Well she couldn’t get anything, nor could I, nor could Greg, nor could Anthony. We tried and tried. So much for play until you win! After a while you just want to scream. Eventually I went to the car with the children. Lara was screaming she wanted to stay but I thought it was late enough. Greg did come out with a toy, but it wasn’t a cute animal. It was this stuffed boy doll with the Jamaican flag color on his hat and his tongue sticking out. Lara hated it and screamed.
On a nice positive note a couple of Robins decided that our bush by our front door was a great place to live. She the female made her nest there and later on laid her eggs in it. They have three beautiful blue eggs that she sits on day and night. I can see her on the nest when I look out my bedroom window. She doesn’t care when we are outside near it but if she sees we are looking at her she flies away. I don’t do that but Greg did a couple of times. He wont do it again as we fear her leaving the nest. We have yet to see the male but we know he is around somewhere guarding the brood. They usually are nearby and hidden. The mommy had a great day today as Greg watered the lawn. The water can not get to her, but the worms in the ground come up. So all she had to do when she woke up was fly down to the ground, eat a nice big worm, get a drink, splash some water on herself and get right back up again. Fast food and bath. Greg saw the whole thing from our window. It is nice to see the birds there. When we come home at night we can see her tail feathers sticking out of the nest. I like that.
Anthony is becoming quite the little man here. He is building pyramids with his Legos. He also has a great vocabulary and is very observant. He is writing out small words on his Magna Doodle also. He is just so opposite of his sister in so many ways. We have to be careful not to over praise him, as Lara gets jealous of him. On Saturday his guardian angel was on overtime. He had a really close call and scared the heck out of me. He went into the kitchen to get a snack out of a cabinet we have. It is a self standing one that we got at Target that has five shelves. Anyway he hung on the door. Greg was right there and told him not to but he did anyway and Greg did not try to physically stop him like I do. Anyway the cabinet fell over and Anthony managed to get out of the way. The cabinet barely missed him. A little more over and he would have been hit. We have a cement floor covered by tiles. I just don’t know if he would be here still if it had hit him. I fear not. I want to anchor the cabinet but out walls are cinderblocks covered by cement so it is complicated on how to do that. Greg is supposed to as he grew up across the street in the same model house and so knows how to do it, but he just doesn’t get to it. So until he does Anthony can not go into that cabinet again. What worries me is that in the morning Greg’s dad comes over to watch him. When he watches him that is exactly what he does he watches him. He watches him climb up things and get into things that are not allowed. He watches him climb up on a chair to reach on his tippy toes to get junk food for breakfast! I mean WTF? Why doesn’t it register that a little boy shouldn’t eat candy for breakfast or should climb like that? How did Greg survive boy hood? I don’t want him watching unless he is going to supervise as well. He shouldn’t climb, as he can get hurt. I mean I get why he does it. That is from me. I have always climbed and the crew I like best on the job is lighting climber. I can climb and get extra pay! I also get to be away from the roadies which is great sometimes because they can get to be a pain to deal with. I miss working. No stagehand can work around here unless they have younger family and I am the youngest so that is out. The work is just not steady enough to get licensed day care. Unlicensed is just too risky.
Greg was his usual self this week. Saturday he wanted to do something fun with the family outside as it was going to be so nice. He said he would get up at seven, do two hours of yard work, and then do something with us. I knew this just was not going to be the case as he said this all last year and it never did work out that way. He promised this year would be different. Well he got up at ten, had a leisure breakfast, went out to the yard at eleven, and finished up at four thirty. Then he showed and dressed and was ready to do something at six. So he is doing again this year what he did last year! So no family fun that day. I had taken them out in the yard earlier in the day but they fought and kept on going inside for water and snacks that I just eventually went inside with them. They were happier there even though Greg said they would be happier outside. Outside was just too hot. The weather had become super hot, super fast. It was in the 90’s this weekend and it is still up there. This is just too early for this kind of weather here. On Sunday I switched all the clothes from winter to summer. I had to do the children’s Greg’s and mine so it was a lot of work.
I am not doing well at all. I feel like a whale with all my extra weight. I can not fit into most of my pants, as I am too big. My shirts are no problem as I always wore large and extra large, but the pants are a problem. I am now taking diet pill in the hopes that my appetite will calm down. I don’t feel guilty about that, as it was the prednisone that made me fat. So if one pill made me fat why not take another to make me thin again? My face is also all broken out and I feel so ugly with that. My back is getting worse and my mid drift is in more pain at night. Last year at this time was when the pain was building up. By mid May I was taking Percocet so I am hoping it does not get that bad again. I am also often nauseas as well. Greg is going to see if his old dermatologist is on out health plan as the last one I saw was awful. We waited an hour and a half to see him less than five minutes. He them gave me a script for topical meds that cost $90 after the insurance paid its part! We had to leave it at the store, as I just don’t have that kind of money to spend on my face. Id rather get food and clothes for the children, KWIM?
We did manage to go to “Friendlies” on Saturday. The children were a bit noisy there. We decided to let Lara play the stuffed animal machine as you can now play until you win. It has a claw to grab stuffed toys. Well she had to go to the bathroom after starting, while we were away Greg let Anthony do it and he won a dog. When we got back Lara was mad so we gave her two dollars to play again. Well she couldn’t get anything, nor could I, nor could Greg, nor could Anthony. We tried and tried. So much for play until you win! After a while you just want to scream. Eventually I went to the car with the children. Lara was screaming she wanted to stay but I thought it was late enough. Greg did come out with a toy, but it wasn’t a cute animal. It was this stuffed boy doll with the Jamaican flag color on his hat and his tongue sticking out. Lara hated it and screamed.
On a nice positive note a couple of Robins decided that our bush by our front door was a great place to live. She the female made her nest there and later on laid her eggs in it. They have three beautiful blue eggs that she sits on day and night. I can see her on the nest when I look out my bedroom window. She doesn’t care when we are outside near it but if she sees we are looking at her she flies away. I don’t do that but Greg did a couple of times. He wont do it again as we fear her leaving the nest. We have yet to see the male but we know he is around somewhere guarding the brood. They usually are nearby and hidden. The mommy had a great day today as Greg watered the lawn. The water can not get to her, but the worms in the ground come up. So all she had to do when she woke up was fly down to the ground, eat a nice big worm, get a drink, splash some water on herself and get right back up again. Fast food and bath. Greg saw the whole thing from our window. It is nice to see the birds there. When we come home at night we can see her tail feathers sticking out of the nest. I like that.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Hospital...
The hospital went pretty much as expected. Lara was a mess when they attached the wires for her 48 hour EEG. They had to use glue to attach the wires so they would not fall off during the test. The glue had a strong odor and Lara hated it. That compacted with her being in a hospital and lying on an examination table just made her have a melt down. She screamed and cried the whole time that was being done and was begging me to make it stop. It was very hard for us to go through this time. Later on she settled down a bit at her room. Her appetite was awful and barely ate anything. I ordered things like pizza for her and she even refused that. The pizza was actually good as I think it was from a pizza place and not those institutional square pieces of cardboard that you usually get in an institution. My meals were messed up, as I was a “Vegetarian Diet”. The kitchen staff edited everything I ordered to a “diet” meaning weight loss. So when I asked for whole milk I got 1%. When I asked for cake I got fruit, my coffee became tea. Every time I would have to get the kitchen person to switch it back again so I always got my food later than Lara. This actually gave me time to try to get her to eat. Her sense of time went away while wee were there. I would ask her two hours after her meal arrived if she was hungry and she would yell that she told me already that she was not hungry as if I had just asked her when in fact it was two hours since I said anything. She also stayed up until 2 AM the first night and 1 AM the next with no naps during the day! So basically she didn’t eat or sleep while there. She also threw a few fits and hated the toys I brought for her. The only thing she liked was the coloring book and the box of 120 different colored crayons. She had a few “events” that were recorded so hopefully the doctor will give us details soon on what that was about. Greg visited a couple of times with Anthony as Lara had talked to him on the phone and asked for him to come over. They had never been apart since his birth and so I think they missed each other. Of coarse when together they fought and so I took Anthony to the playroom while her dad stayed with her. I found a computer in the playroom and so was able to go online for a few minutes. She also fought with her dad even though before his arrival she cried about him not being there. She loved the balloons he brought her and made her feel special. When they took off the wires she was again screaming and crying from the smell. The solvent they used was great at taking off the glue and it was very smooth, but again stinky so she hated it. She was miserable on the way home but Greg had more balloons waiting for her so her mood improved when she got in the house. The whole thing was very emotionally draining on us both. I kept on thinking of the parents of children that are seriously sick. I mean this was only a test and it was hard. How much harder they have it. I prayed for them a lot while I was there.
Greg was off for the rest of the week as it was Lara’s spring break. So I could not go online much. As soon as I sat down he kvetched about me being online “all the time”. We did a couple of fun things such as taking a walk at a local nature center. Mostly though they played in the back yard which is something they love to do so they were happy. While they played in the sand box I read the bible. I am up to Job now. I didn’t get to read it all during Lent like I wanted to, but I think God understands that I am a slow reader and also I am still reading so it is not like I wont finish it at all.
Anthony is a real piece of work. He is maturing so fast. He can now make letters with his Legos and spelled out “FIT” with them. He just does things that seem advanced. His structures are also getting very complex. I think he is going to do well in school.
Greg and I are OK but not getting any closer. He still stays on the computer watching “Lost” reruns. He is up to the current season and soon will watching the show as it is played. He is however now behind in “Desperate Housewives” and so will probably stay up all night watching those reruns. I think he will do just about anything not to go to bed with me. I really can’t blame him. My face is all broken out, my hair is salt and pepper, and I am so fat. I am just a mess. I would rather not go to bed with me either. I just don’t even bother with my looks anymore. I just wear jeans and a sweat shirt with no jewelry of any kind most days. I am just feeling very depressed. My Sarcoidosis is also giving me the usual pain and I am just tired of being in pain all the time. I wish it would go inactive so the pain would go away and my skin would clear up. I had fun doing the show but it closed this past Saturday so back to the ho hum nights again. Only thing about the show is a wish the cast had been more social to the crew. They went out a few times and didn’t invite the crew. I thought that was rude. It was mentioned to them I think and then the last few times they did tell us, but I was sad that they didn’t think of it themselves. When I first joined the cast and crew went out after every show and always had a great time, now the cast is so separate from the crew like we are servants. KWIM?
Greg was off for the rest of the week as it was Lara’s spring break. So I could not go online much. As soon as I sat down he kvetched about me being online “all the time”. We did a couple of fun things such as taking a walk at a local nature center. Mostly though they played in the back yard which is something they love to do so they were happy. While they played in the sand box I read the bible. I am up to Job now. I didn’t get to read it all during Lent like I wanted to, but I think God understands that I am a slow reader and also I am still reading so it is not like I wont finish it at all.
Anthony is a real piece of work. He is maturing so fast. He can now make letters with his Legos and spelled out “FIT” with them. He just does things that seem advanced. His structures are also getting very complex. I think he is going to do well in school.
Greg and I are OK but not getting any closer. He still stays on the computer watching “Lost” reruns. He is up to the current season and soon will watching the show as it is played. He is however now behind in “Desperate Housewives” and so will probably stay up all night watching those reruns. I think he will do just about anything not to go to bed with me. I really can’t blame him. My face is all broken out, my hair is salt and pepper, and I am so fat. I am just a mess. I would rather not go to bed with me either. I just don’t even bother with my looks anymore. I just wear jeans and a sweat shirt with no jewelry of any kind most days. I am just feeling very depressed. My Sarcoidosis is also giving me the usual pain and I am just tired of being in pain all the time. I wish it would go inactive so the pain would go away and my skin would clear up. I had fun doing the show but it closed this past Saturday so back to the ho hum nights again. Only thing about the show is a wish the cast had been more social to the crew. They went out a few times and didn’t invite the crew. I thought that was rude. It was mentioned to them I think and then the last few times they did tell us, but I was sad that they didn’t think of it themselves. When I first joined the cast and crew went out after every show and always had a great time, now the cast is so separate from the crew like we are servants. KWIM?
Easter week was busy for me. Wednesday I baked cup cakes for Lara’s class as they had their “spring party “on Thursday. I had the religious group Wednesday night so I did the cup cakes when I got home. I was up until 2 AM doing that. I made little caterpillars out of M&M’s and icing. Thursday was the vigil of which I showed up late because I got the time messed up and also at the last minute Lara wanted to go so I had to dress her as she was in her PJ’s. Friday I was able to go to the 3 PM mass solo as Greg worked from home. I also went to the vigil solo on Saturday which was good as it was three hours long and the children would not have lasted that one out. Earlier in the day Greg said he wanted to make a big spread for his dad and sister the next morning! I got mad as when we were going to do all that he wanted. I mean I had a lot to do both that night and the next morning. He thought we could do it the same way we did Christmas but he forgot that we went to mass on Christmas Eve. On Easter morning we had to go to church at ten thirty and his dad and sister were coming at noon. So when did I have time to cook? We got a dozen bagels and some fancy spread (cream cheese and lox, cream cheese and olives) from the bagel shop instead. I had to help my mom set up for Easter dinner at her house that day also. On the way home Lara got sick in the car and so we had to pull over and clean her and the seat up. I almost didn’t make it to the vigil.
Turned out that we all got up early on Easter morning. The children were excited and so got up at 6:30! So the day started out great. Greg however dawdled and did not get into the shower. He also didn’t get to cleaning the seat for a long time. I said I would do it but he said he would, but then he didn’t move. Needless to say we didn’t make 10:30 mass. We changed the time with his dad and sister from noon to 11 AM. I thought they would stay awhile since we moved the time up. They however said they had to go at 11:15 to pick up Greg’s aunt to take her to a cousins house that they were going to for Easter dinner! I mean WTF? They were supposed to come 45 minutes later so were they planning on not coming at all? They didn’t have even one bagel so I am glad we did not make a huge spread for them. I think they are very rude for that. They came over for about ten minutes, never sat down, never ate or drank anything, and then left. I would never do that to anyone.
Turned out that we all got up early on Easter morning. The children were excited and so got up at 6:30! So the day started out great. Greg however dawdled and did not get into the shower. He also didn’t get to cleaning the seat for a long time. I said I would do it but he said he would, but then he didn’t move. Needless to say we didn’t make 10:30 mass. We changed the time with his dad and sister from noon to 11 AM. I thought they would stay awhile since we moved the time up. They however said they had to go at 11:15 to pick up Greg’s aunt to take her to a cousins house that they were going to for Easter dinner! I mean WTF? They were supposed to come 45 minutes later so were they planning on not coming at all? They didn’t have even one bagel so I am glad we did not make a huge spread for them. I think they are very rude for that. They came over for about ten minutes, never sat down, never ate or drank anything, and then left. I would never do that to anyone.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Busy, busy, busy...
Super busy trying to get ready for Easter. The shows went well this past weekend once they started. On Friday though we had an instrument out that I did not know about until five minutes before curtain. So I had to change the lamp with the audience looking on! The stage crew set up the ladder but then they left. It was also on two different levels so I adjusted that and an audience member came up and held it while I changed the lamp. Of coarse that was not the problem so I ended up switching out the entire unit. That had it own problems as it was on a side arm so that too had to be adjusted before I put on the new instrument and then out back into place. All in all it delayed the show some twenty minutes and the lighting shop is downstairs. I did a lot of running up and down the stairs so I got a good workout and slept like a log that night. I am just not as strong as I used to be. I was surprised though that I had no problems putting in the lamp. Usually I do as it is a twist lock and you can not touch the glass, but Friday I had no problems with it. Saturday and Sunday went without incident
I have to get some more Easter stuff and also some stuff for Lara at the hospital. I am thinking that coloring books and jig saw puzzles would be good as the require you to be quiet and still. The thing is I have to go shopping alone and that I just not easy to do with Anthony at home 24/7. Also with the cold rain my Sarcoidosis is just acting up something awful. I woke up feeling hung-over even though I didn’t touch a drop yesterday.
Lara had her usually awful screaming morning. Nothing new there. Anthony woke up earlier than usual. He had a bad dream and ended up in our bed last night. Well this morning he anted breakfast in bed. Our bed that is. Greg didn’t go for that though and so the boys were mad at each other.
I switched my lights finally from Saint Patrick’s Day to Easter, but have yet to hang the plastic eggs that I usually do. I just can not get the energy to do it. I also have to do laundry but can do that either. So not a great day for me here. I have to go get Lara early as it is rainy and so everyone goes early. If I showed up at the usual time I would be far from school. I honestly wonder if some of them just stay there all day! What ever, KWIM? I did manage to hook up our new TV. My parent got a new TV from my brothers and so gave us their old one. Their old one is newer than the one we have so it is an upgrade for us. It is bigger and has connections for a DVD so it is a good thing. Now all I have to do is get Greg to get it on the TV stand with me and we will be all set!
Greg and I actually snuggled a little this past weekend which was a nice surprise for me. Hopefully it will not be a one time thing.
I have to get some more Easter stuff and also some stuff for Lara at the hospital. I am thinking that coloring books and jig saw puzzles would be good as the require you to be quiet and still. The thing is I have to go shopping alone and that I just not easy to do with Anthony at home 24/7. Also with the cold rain my Sarcoidosis is just acting up something awful. I woke up feeling hung-over even though I didn’t touch a drop yesterday.
Lara had her usually awful screaming morning. Nothing new there. Anthony woke up earlier than usual. He had a bad dream and ended up in our bed last night. Well this morning he anted breakfast in bed. Our bed that is. Greg didn’t go for that though and so the boys were mad at each other.
I switched my lights finally from Saint Patrick’s Day to Easter, but have yet to hang the plastic eggs that I usually do. I just can not get the energy to do it. I also have to do laundry but can do that either. So not a great day for me here. I have to go get Lara early as it is rainy and so everyone goes early. If I showed up at the usual time I would be far from school. I honestly wonder if some of them just stay there all day! What ever, KWIM? I did manage to hook up our new TV. My parent got a new TV from my brothers and so gave us their old one. Their old one is newer than the one we have so it is an upgrade for us. It is bigger and has connections for a DVD so it is a good thing. Now all I have to do is get Greg to get it on the TV stand with me and we will be all set!
Greg and I actually snuggled a little this past weekend which was a nice surprise for me. Hopefully it will not be a one time thing.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Anthony is doing OK but he refuses to get off the diaper. He says that if he stays with the diaper he won’t have to go to school next year. His wheels are in constant motion and is always thinking about everything. The things he comes out with sometimes are amazing. He is very aware of everything that is going on around him. He is also hyper sensitive with his boo boos. He also is getting into the routine of putting away all of his toys before supper. He makes these huge Lego sculptures and then dismantles them. He used to keep them up for days. I just have to work on his potty skills.
Lara is still having problems concentrating. We have her back on Focalin but at 10 mg. this time. She just has so many quirks now. She has to have her mouth covered all the time even when she eats. She now covers her mouth with her shirt so the necks are getting stretched out. We are trying to get her to stop but she screams when we try and stop her. She is going to get a 48 hour EEG at the hospital so hopefully we will find out what is going on with her. I will stay with her and Greg will stay at home with Anthony at night. In the day we will have babysitters over probably my parents as his sister just had her second hip replacement.
Greg is the same. He now wants us to go out to dinner and thinks that will make things better. I can not see how that will help us get closer I think he just wants to go out to dinner. He suggested dinner and a movie but I couldn’t find a movie playing that I wanted to see. If I am only going to see a movie every seven years I want it to be one I want to see. KWIM? Right now he is getting into the summer lawn mode so I will loose him to that soon.
I am not feeling so well and am tired all the time. I forget things too. The children are wonderful to be with but the marriage is just so bad. I really don’t have a husband here just a room mate. There is just nothing between us anymore. I like to go to the theatre and work the show but it only plays on the weekend so the week nights are as boring as ever. I make dinner, eat with the family, clean up the dishes, pots, pans and kitchen, and then have a cup of tea in my bed if Greg is changing the children. Otherwise I get the children ready for bed and then have that cup of tea. In the bible I am up to the second book of the kings, chapter twenty one. I will not finish it by the end of lent so I will just keep on going until I do. I think God will understand why it takes me a long time to read. I rather take my time and really read it than scan it and not get everything. KW
Lara is still having problems concentrating. We have her back on Focalin but at 10 mg. this time. She just has so many quirks now. She has to have her mouth covered all the time even when she eats. She now covers her mouth with her shirt so the necks are getting stretched out. We are trying to get her to stop but she screams when we try and stop her. She is going to get a 48 hour EEG at the hospital so hopefully we will find out what is going on with her. I will stay with her and Greg will stay at home with Anthony at night. In the day we will have babysitters over probably my parents as his sister just had her second hip replacement.
Greg is the same. He now wants us to go out to dinner and thinks that will make things better. I can not see how that will help us get closer I think he just wants to go out to dinner. He suggested dinner and a movie but I couldn’t find a movie playing that I wanted to see. If I am only going to see a movie every seven years I want it to be one I want to see. KWIM? Right now he is getting into the summer lawn mode so I will loose him to that soon.
I am not feeling so well and am tired all the time. I forget things too. The children are wonderful to be with but the marriage is just so bad. I really don’t have a husband here just a room mate. There is just nothing between us anymore. I like to go to the theatre and work the show but it only plays on the weekend so the week nights are as boring as ever. I make dinner, eat with the family, clean up the dishes, pots, pans and kitchen, and then have a cup of tea in my bed if Greg is changing the children. Otherwise I get the children ready for bed and then have that cup of tea. In the bible I am up to the second book of the kings, chapter twenty one. I will not finish it by the end of lent so I will just keep on going until I do. I think God will understand why it takes me a long time to read. I rather take my time and really read it than scan it and not get everything. KW
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