Monday, January 5, 2009

The Holidays...

Well we all had a great Christmas. We managed to put some things under our tree and exchanged gifts with the rest of the family as well. We used some old gift cards that we had so some of the presents cost us nothing. We still managed to spend too much and now can’t pay all the credit card bills. The taxes are also way overdue and so I worry we could loose the house. The children had a lot of fun though and it was great seeing my brothers and their families. Greg’s sister though went overboard and even though she agreed to two presents each she bought seven each! I am a bit ticked by that as she just ignores what we want and does as she pleases. We really want to keep Christmas simple and less greedy mass opening of presents and she just spits in our faces when she does that. The rest of the day was good though. We served hors d'oeuvres at out house to FIL and SIL. Then went to my brother’s house in Putnam Valley and saw my family and my brother’s in-laws there. We all get along great and so it is like one big family.

Greg took off of work and so we spent a good amount of time at home this past week. We played board games a couple of days and others we just hung out together. We went to see “Bolt” at the movies one day at the 10 AM show. We had a fire alarm unfortunately and so am a bit ticked about that. At this theatre we have only seen four movies. During these movies we had two fire alarms and one child alert. So we only got to see one movie without interruption. I think a 25% success rate is pretty darn low. I can’t remember ever having either one of those in other movies ever. Anyway New Years was quiet here. There was snow that day so most stayed at home. We toasted with alcohol removed champagne. The children feel asleep before midnight and so we just went in and kissed them at the New Year.

Today all is back to usual. Greg is back at work and Lara is back at school. It was hard getting ready today as we are all spoiled from sleeping in. Anthony was the only lucky one and just got up at the crack of 10:30! I had a hard time getting out of bed due to my illness. I just don’t feel good in the mornings anymore. I am tired and nauseas. Half the time I can’t even face my beloved coffee, so I know I am ill when that happens. I am having mid drift pain as well that is rather sharp at times. I saw my Pulmonologist last week and he was not happy that I stopped the steroids. He said he was anxious to find out what the other doctors says about tat and what drug he will give me now. So it looks like the NYC optic neurologist is the leader and the Pulmonologist is the secondary at this point. Nothing new on the TTC side as we did nothing this month so I am just waiting for the hag to show up.

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