Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tired with a cold...

I have a cold and am run down from it. I am just so tired. Lara is a bit better with her accidents. I haven’t been called to school for over a week to change her. I just hope I haven’t Jones myself by writing that and I get a call today. Anthony is doing better now with the pot. We resorted to bribery we said if he poops in the toilet he gets a sundae. Well he has earned two so far. When he is at home I keep him in underwear. Then when we go out I put a pull up over the underwear. That way if he does wet his pants he feels it, but doesn’t get his pants wet or his car seat. Greg and I are about the same.

Last night I got away fort awhile. They had a taping of the current show at our theater and I got to go solo. So I got some time away from the family. It was nice to do that. I have a cast party this Saturday that I could go to. I am just so fat and my face is broken out I don’t know if I should go. People dress up for these parties and I just feel so stupid even trying to do that. Kind of a silk purse from a sow’s ear kind of thing. Anyway I have to give that some thought. Greg would be home with the children so it would be time alone for me, but I will look so bad.

I have been doing blinkies over at the signature page. Mostly it is good, but some are a bit nervy. I think I am going to slow down a bit with them.

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